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作者:佚名  发布时间:2024-04-29 05:30  浏览:
  1. transient adj. (instant - momentary - 短暂的)
  2. transgress v. (超过 - overtake越过 - exceed胜过)
    1. transcend v. (超越)

  3. traverse v. (横穿 - cross)
    1. The river traverses the valley.
    2. transverse adj. (横向的)
  1. transmute v. (使变形 - mutate变形 - commute通勤)
  2. trespass v.n. (侵占 - annex吞并 - invade侵略)
  3. tackle v. (装备阻挡)
  4. tack n. (方针方法)
  5. tact n. (手段)
  6. tempt v. (引诱)
  7. tangle v. (纠缠)
  8. tangible adj. (可感知的)
  9. torment v.n. (折磨 - torture拷问)
  10. tortuous adj. (扭曲的)
  11. transaction n. (交易)
  12. terminology n. (专门术语)
  13. thermal adj. (热的保温的)
  14. turbulent adj. (noisy - messy - 骚乱的)
    1. turmoil n. (骚乱)

  15. thereby adv. (由此)
    1. Our bodies can sweat, thereby losing heat by evaporation.
    2. whereby adv. 凭借
  1. treaty n. (条约 - contract)
    1. sign a treaty
    2. stipulate v. 条约规定

  2. trifle v.n. (琐事 - affair事务)[?tra?fl]
  3. tribute n. (致敬-悼念 - worship敬奉礼拜 - venerate)
    1. pay tribute to her life and work
  1. timid adj. (胆小的 - intimidate恐吓 - intimate亲密的)
    1. timorous adj. (胆怯的)

  2. trait n. (feature - portrait肖像 - 特点)
  3. testimony n. (证词 - evidence - prove)
  4. terrace n. (台阶 - stair)
    1. terrain n. (地形地势)
    2. terrestrial adj. (陆地的 - territory - continent)
    3. tenant n. (房客 - tent帐篷)
  1. texture n. (质地-纹理)
    1. cloth has a soft texture

  2. trite adj. (老生常谈的 - 陈腐的)
    1. a trite topic
    2. contrite(悔悟的)
    3. attrition(损耗)
  1. thrive v. (boom - prosperity - 兴盛兴隆)
    1. These animals rarely thrive in captivity.

  2. trophy n. (纪念品 - 战利品 - atrophy)
  3. timber n. (木材 - tomb墓碑 - limb肢体)
  4. torrent n. (奔流 - utorrent)
  5. tumble v. (跌倒 - fall)
    1. He slipped and tumbled down the stairs.
  1. temperate adj. (有节制的 - 气候温和适度的 - - constrain约束)
    1. temper 性情
    2. temperature 温度
    3. temporize v. ( - 敷衍)

  2. tenacious adj. (顽强持久的)[tne?s]
    1. attenuate 使减弱(缓解放松)
    2. tenuous adj. ( - 细薄的)
  1. topography n. (topo - 地形学)
  2. taint v.n. (contaminate - stain - 污点)
    1. The administration was tainted with scandal.

  3. trajectory n. (tra-jec-tory 弹道)
    1. on a downward trajectory
  1. tract n. (纤维束)
    1. a nerve tract
  1. thrash v. (打谷脱粒)[θr]
  2. thresh v. (脱粒 - 推敲)[θre?]
  3. thrust v.n. (插入 - 猛推)
  4. tramp n. (踩踏 - stamp贴邮票/踩踏)
  5. trump n. (王牌)
  6. triumph n. 胜利[?tramf]
  7. trumpet n. (喇叭小号)
  8. bugle n. 军号
  9. toll n. (通行费)
    1. trolley n. (手推车)
    2. stroll v. 闲逛

  10. trench n. (沟/战壕 - 引申为拉长)
  11. trenchant adj. (锐利的(拉长而锐利) - incisive - explicit)
  12. wrench v. (扳手/扭转 - screw)
  13. tedious adj. (单调沉闷的 - boring - dull - barren - depressing)
  14. thigh n. (大腿)
  15. taper v. (逐渐变细 - attenuate)
    1. tape n. (磁带)
  1. toss v. (抛 - cast - throw)
    1. moss n. 苔藓

  2. tribe n. (部落)
  3. tutor n. (家庭教师 - 导师)
    1. tuition n. (学费)
  1. tyranny n. (暴虐专制)[?t?r?ni]
    1. tyrant n. (专制统治者)
    2. the tyranny of the tyrant
    3. tyre n. (轮胎)[?ta(r)]

  2. tilt adv. (倾斜 - incline)
    1. filt v. (过滤)
  1. tow v. (拖拉 - drag)
    1. tug v. (猛拉)

  2. twilight n. (黄昏)[?twa?la?t]
  3. thrift n. (节俭 - save - temperate)
    1. thief n. 小偷
  1. tempo n. ()
  2. tame v. (驯服 - domestic - amenable)
  3. therapy n. (疗法)
  4. tuck v. (折叠/褶皱 - fold折叠 - wrinkle皱纹)
  5. tub n. (澡盆 - tube试管)
  6. traitor n. (叛徒 - betrayer - )
    1. treason n. (叛国)
    2. trait n. (肖像)

  7. tray n. (plate - 托盘)
  8. trim v. (修剪 - )
    1. brim n.边缘v.溢出
  1. thorn n. (荆棘)[θn]
    1. throne n. (crown - 王位)
    2. throng n. (crowd - 人群)
    3. thong n. (belt - 皮带)

  2. tariff n. (关税表)[?t?r?f]
  3. tumour n. (肿瘤)[?tju:m?(r)]
  4. turnip n. (萝卜)[?t?:n?p]
  5. tundra n. (苔原)[?t?ndr?]
  6. turnover n. (营业额)
  7. tenet n. (信条 - Assassin Creed)
  8. tacit adj. (缄默的)[?t?s?t]
    1. tacit approve
  1. tantalize v. (逗弄)[?t?nt?la?z]
  2. thwart v. (阻挠 - stop - obstruct)[θwt]
  3. tirade n. (激烈的长篇演说)[tare?d]
  4. titanic adj. (钛的)
  5. torpor n (麻木迟钝)[?t?:p?(r)]
  6. torrid adj. (晒热的)[?t?r?d]torrid quilt
    1. tepid adj. (微温的) tepid palm

  7. tremor v. (tremble - 震颤)[?trem?(r)]
    1. trepidation n. (不安颤抖)
  1. touchy adj. (小心眼的)
  2. tout v. (兜售招揽)[ta?t]
  3. tycoon n. (太君)[taku:n]
  4. ~threadbare~ adj. (衣服穿旧的)
  • traumatized adj. 精神上受到打击的
